The 8 teams presented their solution in maximum 5 minutes, using a powerpoint and their models. Among the solutions were: Flexagon, Ice Roof, Heart of Art, More than an auditorium, Escape the city life, Ecart, Chocolate Factory and Space for Mini Companies.
The last day everybody worked hard with the task, making models, documenting their process in a special book and preparing a powerpoint presentation of their solution.
Students at Foss High School make a model of a possible auditorium at their own school at a Gründercamp this week. The students collaborate with the architectur firm Snøhetta, students from Latvia and Sweden and BI Nydalen that provides housing.
Today we met at Foss High School for lunch and presentations: about Latvia, Norway, Sweden and our mini companies. Afterwards we visited a real company, Opera Software. In the evening we had dinner and “get-to-know-each-other” games.
This week we can finally welcome our Erasmus+ project partners to Oslo! On Monday 3rd of November starts our cooperation project between Norway, Latvia and Sweden: “Learning to do business in Europe through participatingin Gründercamps – for young entrepreneurs in Norway, Latvia and Sweden”.
27 students and 5 teachers are ready for the Gründercamp Competition on Wednesday 5th and Thursday 6th of November. The task is given by the famous Norwegian architects “Snøhetta” and will be revealed on Thuesday….
– through participating in Innovation Camps – for young entrepreneurs in Norway and Sweden