Sweden september 2015

Motto – Step Forward

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Monday September 21st
800 Breakfast at school
840 Visiting lessons
930 Departure to Tanum: The petroglyph museum.
1200 Lunch at the Sportshop. Presentation of the Sportshop.
Stop at the viewpoint World Heritage by the recently opened freeway.
1652 Arrival of the Norwegian group at Halden jbs.
1830 Dinner at Strömstad gymnasium
1900 Start: presentation of youth enterprises. Forming groups. (As the enterprises have recently started we do not expect a detailed presentation – more the idea)

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Tuesday September 22nd
730 Breakfast at the hostel Roddaren
850 Departure to the island Koster
1000 ”Naturum” – introduction to the national park
1030 -1115 Two groups: a) looking at ”Naturum”, b) outdoor activities
1115 The groups change acitivities.
1215 Lunch at Koster’s gardens. Introduction to Koster’s gardens.
Sight-seeing by bike on Koster Island.
1530 Introduction of the theme: SUSTAINABLE TOURISM. Presentation of the tasks. Work.
1630 Departure from the island of Koster. Sightseeing on the way back to Strömstad.
1800 Dinner at pizzeria

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Wednesday September 23rd
800 Breakfast at school
840 Work in groups.
930 Inspiration lecture 1 (Louise Robertsson)
950 Work continues
1200 Lunch at school
1230 Departure to Daftö camping
1300 Inspiration 2: Visit of Daftö camping
1500 Work continues
1800 Dinner (paid for by Strömstad Gymnasium)

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Thursday September 24th
800 Breakfast at school
840 Work in groups
1140 Lunch at school
1300 Inspiration 3 (Joakim Hermansson)
1330 Inspiration 4 (Louise Robertsson)
1400 Work in groups – preparing the presentations.
1500 Arrival of the jury.
1600 Presentations. Awards
1930 Farewell-dinner at Rökeriet

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Friday September 25th
800 Breakfast at school
The Latvian group: visit to Ekoparken and Nordby.
1015 The Norwegian group: departure for Halden jbs (the train leaves at 1103)

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Saturday September 26th
800 Breakfast at the hostel (the Latvian group)
1200 The Latvian group. Departure to Rygge.
1430 The Latvian group. Departure from Rygge.

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