Norway February 2016

“Learning to do business in Europe through participating in Gründercamps, for young entrepreneurs in Norway, Latvia and Sweden”


Monday 8. february – Preparing Trade Fair + Sightseeing

9.00     Arrival Latvian group at Gardermoen
11.15  Lunch together at Foss school
12.15  Foss school: Lesson group 1: short oral presentation of the        mini companies + preparing the Trade Fair
13.45  Leisure time: sightseeing, preparing the Trade Fair, dinner for Latvians
19.30  Ballett “Giselle” at The Opera for Latvians

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Thuesday 9. February – Preparing Trade Fair + Sightseeing

8.15 Lesson: short oral presentation of the mini companies + preparing the Trade Fair
9.45 Leisure time
11.15 Lunch together at school (paid by us)
12.00 Leisure time
14.00 Foss school: The Swedes arrive. Lesson: Preparing the Trade Fair, visit music rehearsals (Mozart’s Requiem) at school
15.30 Leisure time: sightseeing, preparing the Trade Fair, visit music rehearsals
18.30 Dinner together at school

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Wednesday 10. february – Trade Fair

8.00    Preparing the stands
10.00 Opening of the Trade Fair Large Hall)
11.00 Presentation on scene (for mini companies participating
in the competition “Best mini company + “Best pitch”)
11.00 Trade Fair is open
12.00 Seminar for teachers
14.30 Clean up stands
15.30 Awards
16.30 Continue Clean up stands
16.30 Leisure time
18.30 Dinner together

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Thursday 11. February – Cooperation – Inspiration – Evaluation

9.00    Innovation Workshop at Foss school: “Future banking for young Europeans” by Thomas Hafstad (former Foss student), Business Developer and Miriam Øyna, UX Consultant from the company Evry ( A competition with the Latvian, Swedish and Norwegian students in mixed international teams.
12.00 Lunch at school
13.00 Working with Europass CV at Foss school
14.00 Lection by Gründer at school: Arne Kollandsrud,
Managing Director and owner of the company Tide Tec
15.00 Leisure time + Teacher’s meeting with evaluation)
19.30 Farewell-dinner + evaluation of the project

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Friday 12. February – Sightseeing

10.00 Sightseeing: Gamle Aker kirke (Oslo’s oldest church), Vigeland Park, Holmenkollen
11.00 The Swedes leave
17.00 Latvians leave for the airport (plane at 19.45)

frognerparken   Holmenkollen

Gamle aker kirke inne    foss


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– through participating in Innovation Camps – for young entrepreneurs in Norway and Sweden